Antibody afhankelijke versterking en Sendai  Virus  als een mogelijke vaccin  Vector



De uitdagingen van de ontwikkeling van vaccins tegen Betacoronaviruses: Antibody afhankelijke versterking en Sendai  Virus  als een mogelijke vaccin  Vector


Om een ​​effectief en veilig vaccin tegen bètacoronavirussen te ontwerpen, is het noodzakelijk om hun evolutionair conservatieve antigene determinanten te gebruiken die de combinatie van sterke humorale en celgemedieerde immuunresponsen zullen opwekken. Het richten op dergelijke determinanten minimaliseert het risico van antilichaamafhankelijke versterking van virale infectie. Dit fenomeen werd waargenomen in dierproeven met experimentele vaccins tegen SARS-CoV-1 en MERS-CoV die waren ontwikkeld op foundation van geïnactiveerd coronavirus of vectorconstructen die het spike-eiwit (S) van het virion tot expressie brengen.

De substitutie en glycosylering van bepaalde aminozuren in de antigene determinanten van het S-eiwit, evenals de conformationele veranderingen, kunnen tot hetzelfde impact leiden in een nieuw experimenteel vaccin tegen SARS-CoV-2. Het gebruik van meer conservatieve structurele en aanvullende virale eiwitten voor de antigene determinanten van het vaccin zal dit probleem helpen voorkomen. Deze evaluation schetst benaderingen voor het ontwikkelen van vaccins tegen het nieuwe SARS-CoV-2-coronavirus die zijn gebaseerd op niet-pathogene virale vectoren.

Voor een efficiënte preventie van infecties veroorzaakt door respiratoire pathogenen is het vermogen van het vaccin om mucosale immuniteit in de luchtwegen te stimuleren belangrijk. Een dergelijk vaccin kan worden ontwikkeld met behulp van een niet-pathogene Sendai-virusvector, omdat het intranasaal kan worden toegediend en een mucosale immuunrespons kan induceren die de antivirale barrière in de luchtwegen versterkt en een betrouwbare bescherming biedt tegen infectie.

Detectie van mutaties in gyrB met behulp van denaturerende hogedrukvloeistofchromatografie ( DHPLC ) tussen Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi en Paratyphi A.


Fluorochinolonresistentie wordt gemedieerd door mutaties in het chinolonenresistentiebepalende gebied (QRDR) van de topoisomerasegenen. Denaturerende hogedrukvloeistofchromatografie (DHPLC) werd geëvalueerd voor de detectie van klinisch belangrijke mutaties in gyrB bij Salmonella.


Salmonella Typhi en S. Paratyphi A, gekarakteriseerd voor mutatie in QRDR van gyrA, parC en parE, werden onderzocht op mutatie in gyrB door DHPLC en gevalideerd door sequencing.


De DHPLC-analyse was in staat om de testmutant te onderscheiden van isolaten met wildtype gyrB en mutanten te onderscheiden van andere mutanten op foundation van piekprofiel en verschuiving in retentietijd. Er werden drie sequentievarianten gedetecteerd op codon 464 en er werd ook een nieuwe mutatie Ser→Thr gedetecteerd . gyrB-mutatie was geassocieerd met niet-klassieke chinolonresistentie (NALS-CIPDS) in 34 isolaten van alleen S. Typhi en was verschillend van klassieke chinolonresistentie geassocieerd met gyrA-mutaties (NALR-CIPDS).


Opstelling van een protocol voor moleculaire diagnose van β-thalassemie-mutaties in Tunesië met behulp van denaturerende high-performance vloeistofchromatografie ( DHPLC ).



β-thalassemie is een van de meest voorkomende autosomaal recessieve aandoeningen wereldwijd . Het vertoont een grote moleculaire heterogeniteit als gevolg van meer dan 200 oorzakelijke mutaties in het β-globine-gen. In Tunesië vertegenwoordigt β- thalassemie de meest voorkomende monogene hemoglobinestoornis met 2,21% van de dragers.


Efficiënte en betrouwbare screeningsmethoden voor mutaties zijn essentieel om geschikte preventieprogramma’s voor risicoparen op te zetten. Het doel van de huidige studie is om een ​​efficiënte methode te ontwikkelen op foundation van de denaturerende hogedrukvloeistofchromatografie (DHPLC) waarbij het hele β-globinegen (HBB) wordt gescreend op mutaties die ongeveer 90% van het spectrum beslaan.



We hebben de validatie uitgevoerd van een DHPLC-assay voor directe genotypering van 11 bekende β-thalassemie-mutaties in de Tunesische bevolking.



De DHPLC-assay werd vastgesteld op foundation van de analyse van 62 gearchiveerde β-thalassemiemonsters die eerder waren gegenotypeerd en vervolgens werden gevalideerd met volledige overeenstemming op 50 exams met blinde gerandomiseerde monsters die eerder waren gegenotypeerd met DNA-sequencing en met 96% consistentie op 40 monsters als een prospectieve studie.


In vergelijking met andere genotyperingstechnieken kan de DHPLC-methode voldoen aan de vereisten van directe genotypering van bekende β-thalassemie-mutaties in Tunesië en kan het worden toegepast als een krachtig hulpmiddel voor de genetische screening van prenatale en postnatale individuen.



E34M066M 5 μg
EUR 155

LIF, mouse

MO16102 100 ug
EUR 494.1

LIF, Mouse

MBS8575391-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 245

LIF, Mouse

MBS8575391-5x0005mg 5x0.005mg
EUR 940

Mouse Anti-Human LIF Monoclonal Antibody

MBS592457-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 365

Mouse Anti-Human LIF Monoclonal Antibody

MBS592457-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 530

Mouse Anti-Human LIF Monoclonal Antibody

MBS592457-5x05mg 5x0.5mg
EUR 2140

Mouse Anti-Human LIF Monoclonal Antibody

MBS592458-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 365

Mouse Anti-Human LIF Monoclonal Antibody

MBS592458-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 530

Mouse Anti-Human LIF Monoclonal Antibody

MBS592458-5x05mg 5x0.5mg
EUR 2140

Mouse Anti-Human LIF Monoclonal Antibody

MBS592459-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 365

Mouse Anti-Human LIF Monoclonal Antibody

MBS592459-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 530

Mouse Anti-Human LIF Monoclonal Antibody

MBS592459-5x05mg 5x0.5mg
EUR 2140

Mouse LIF siRNA

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 15 nmol
  • 30 nmol

Mouse LIF Protein

E2PD201245 20ug
EUR 595

Mouse LIF Protein

E40MOP1672 20ug
EUR 495

Mouse LIF Protein

E40MOP2026 20ug
EUR 495

Mouse LIF Protein

E40MOP2028 20ug
EUR 495

LIF, Mouse, Monoclonal Antibody, Mouse

MBS555093-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 745

LIF, Mouse, Monoclonal Antibody, Mouse

MBS555093-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 3210

LIF siRNA (Mouse)

MBS8224619-15nmol 15nmol
EUR 405

LIF siRNA (Mouse)

MBS8224619-30nmol 30nmol
EUR 565

LIF siRNA (Mouse)

MBS8224619-5x30nmol 5x30nmol
EUR 2450

Recombinant Mouse LIF

MBS4159936-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 230

Recombinant Mouse LIF

MBS4159936-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560

Recombinant Mouse LIF

MBS4159936-1mg 1mg
EUR 1500

Recombinant Mouse LIF

MBS4159936-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 6500

Recombinant Mouse LIF

MBS7609292-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 405

Recombinant Mouse LIF

MBS7609292-02mg 0.2mg
EUR 760

Recombinant Mouse LIF

MBS7609292-1mg 1mg
EUR 2175

Recombinant Mouse LIF

MBS7609292-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 8410

Recombinant Mouse LIF

P1174-.005 5ug
EUR 108.8
Description: Peptides & Proteins|Recombinant Proteins

Recombinant Mouse LIF

P1174-.1 100ug
EUR 840.8
Description: Peptides & Proteins|Recombinant Proteins

Recombinant Mouse LIF

P1174-.5 500ug
EUR 1885.6
Description: Peptides & Proteins|Recombinant Proteins

Recombinant Mouse LIF

Z200195 10 µg
EUR 85
Description: LIF is a multifunctional secreted glycoprotein that exists in both soluble and matrix-bound forms. It displays biologic activities ranging from the differentiation of myeloid leukemic cells into macrophage lineage to effects on bone metabolism, inflammation, neural development, embryogenesis, and the maintenance of implantation. It is now clear that LIF is related in both structure and mechanism of action to the interleukin IL-6 family of cytokines, which also includes IL-11, ciliary neurotrophic factor, oncostatin M, and cardiotrophin 1. The actions of these cytokines are mediated through specific cell-surface receptors that consist of a unique chain and the shared signal transducing subunit gp130.

Recombinant Mouse LIF

Z200197 100 µg
EUR 385
Description: LIF is a multifunctional secreted glycoprotein that exists in both soluble and matrix-bound forms. It displays biologic activities ranging from the differentiation of myeloid leukemic cells into macrophage lineage to effects on bone metabolism, inflammation, neural development, embryogenesis, and the maintenance of implantation. It is now clear that LIF is related in both structure and mechanism of action to the interleukin IL-6 family of cytokines, which also includes IL-11, ciliary neurotrophic factor, oncostatin M, and cardiotrophin 1. The actions of these cytokines are mediated through specific cell-surface receptors that consist of a unique chain and the shared signal transducing subunit gp130.

Recombinant Mouse LIF

Z200199 1.0 mg
EUR 1200
Description: LIF is a multifunctional secreted glycoprotein that exists in both soluble and matrix-bound forms. It displays biologic activities ranging from the differentiation of myeloid leukemic cells into macrophage lineage to effects on bone metabolism, inflammation, neural development, embryogenesis, and the maintenance of implantation (2). It is now clear that LIF is related in both structure and mechanism of action to the interleukin IL-6 family of cytokines, which also includes IL-11, ciliary neurotrophic factor, oncostatin M, and cardiotrophin 1 (2). The actions of these cytokines are mediated through specific cell-surface receptors that consist of a unique chain and the shared signal transducing subunit gp130.

Recombinant Mouse LIF

Z200485 100 µg
EUR 1500
Description: LIF is a multifunctional secreted glycoprotein that exists in both soluble and matrix-bound forms. It displays biologic activities ranging from the differentiation of myeloid leukemic cells into macrophage lineage to effects on bone metabolism, inflammation, neural development, embryogenesis, and the maintenance of implantation (2). It is now clear that LIF is related in both structure and mechanism of action to the interleukin IL-6 family of cytokines, which also includes IL-11, ciliary neurotrophic factor, oncostatin M, and cardiotrophin 1 (2). The actions of these cytokines are mediated through specific cell-surface receptors that consist of a unique chain and the shared signal transducing subunit gp130.

Anti-Mouse LIF Antibody

103-M263 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: Based on its helical structure, LIF (Leukemia Inhibitory Factor) is considered a member of the Interleukin-6 family of cytokines. Functionally, it has been implicated in a many physiological processes including development, hematopoiesis, bone metabolism, and inflammation. Some cell types known to express LIF include activated T cells, monocytes, astrocytes, osteoblasts, keratinocytes, regenerating skeletal muscle, mast cells, and fibroblasts.

Anti-Mouse LIF Antibody

103-PA05S 100 µg
EUR 126
Description: Leukemia Inhibitory Factor also called LIF is a lymphoid factor that promotes long-term maintenance of embryonic stem cells by suppressing spontaneous differentiation. Leukemia Inhibitory Factor has several functions such as cholinergic neuron differentiation, control of stem cell pluripotency, bone & fat metabolism, mitogenesis of factor dependent cell lines & promotion of megakaryocyte production in vivo. Human and mouse LIF exhibit a 78% identity in its amino acid sequence. Human LIF is as active on human cells as is it is on mouse cells, though mouse LIF is about 1000 fold less active on human cells, than human LIF.

Rabbit Anti-Mouse LIF

103-PA05 100ug
EUR 240

LIF (mouse), (recombinant)

MBS566073-1mL 1mL
EUR 1470

LIF (mouse), (recombinant)

MBS566073-5x1mL 5x1mL
EUR 6555

Anti-LIF Mouse mAb

GB121477 100 μL
EUR 100


E28L0650 96T
EUR 666.67


EK5250 96 tests
EUR 599


EML0014 96Tests
EUR 625.2

Mouse LIF shRNA Plasmid

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 150 µg
  • 300 µg

Lif (NM_008501) Mouse Recombinant Protein

E45M42302E0 20 ug
EUR 1088.75

Lif (NM_008501) Mouse Recombinant Protein

E45M43185M5 20 ug
EUR 1924.54

LIF, Human, Monoclonal Antibody, Mouse

MBS555094-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 745

LIF, Human, Monoclonal Antibody, Mouse

MBS555094-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 3210

Recombinant Mouse LIF protein

CD00323-5ug 5ug
EUR 176
Description: Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) is a member of Interleukin 6 family. This protein is mainly expressed in the trophectoderm of the developing embryo, with its receptor LIFR expressed throughout the inner cell mass. LIF has the capacity to induce terminal differentiation in leukemic cells. Its activities include the induction of hematopoietic differentiation in normal and myeloid leukemia cells, the induction of neuronal cell differentiation, and the stimulation of acute-phase protein synthesis in hepatocytes. LIF is used in mouse embryonic stem cell culture, because that removal of LIF pushes stem cells toward differentiation, but they retain their proliferative potential or pluripotency. It is also used in phase II clinical trial, which can assist embryo implantation in women who have failed to become pregnant despite assisted reproductive technologies (ART). Mature mouse LIF shares 78 % a.a. sequence identity with Human LIF.

Mouse LIF Recombinant Protein

M30-007 10 µg
EUR 99.75
Description: Leukemia Inhibitory Factor also called LIF is a lymphoid factor that promotes long-term maintenance of embryonic stem cells by suppressing spontaneous differentiation. Leukemia Inhibitory Factor has several functions such as cholinergic neuron differentiation, control of stem cell pluripotency, bone & fat metabolism, mitogenesis of factor dependent cell lines & promotion of megakaryocyte production in vivo. Human and mouse LIF exhibit a 78% identity in its amino acid sequence. Human LIF is as active on human cells as is it is on mouse cells, though mouse LIF is about 1000 fold less active on human cells, than human LIF. Recombinant mouse LIF produced in E. coli is a single, non-glycosylated, polypeptide chain containing 180 amino acids and having a molecular mass of 19.86 kDa.

Mouse LIF Recombinant Protein

M30-008 50 µg
EUR 246.75
Description: Leukemia Inhibitory Factor also called LIF is a lymphoid factor that promotes long-term maintenance of embryonic stem cells by suppressing spontaneous differentiation. Leukemia Inhibitory Factor has several functions such as cholinergic neuron differentiation, control of stem cell pluripotency, bone & fat metabolism, mitogenesis of factor dependent cell lines & promotion of megakaryocyte production in vivo. Human and mouse LIF exhibit a 78% identity in its amino acid sequence. Human LIF is as active on human cells as is it is on mouse cells, though mouse LIF is about 1000 fold less active on human cells, than human LIF. Recombinant mouse LIF produced in E. coli is a single, non-glycosylated, polypeptide chain containing 180 amino acids and having a molecular mass of 19.86 kDa.

Recombinant Mouse LIF protein

IMP-1308 10µg
EUR 360
Description: Recombinant Proteins

Recombinant Mouse LIF Protein

MBS1751002-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 315

Recombinant Mouse LIF Protein

MBS1751002-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1270

Recombinant Mouse LIF Protein

MBS8249390-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 230

Recombinant Mouse LIF Protein

MBS8249390-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 480

Recombinant Mouse LIF Protein

MBS8249390-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 2825

Recombinant Mouse LIF Protein

MBS8249390-5x05mg 5x0.5mg
EUR 12640

Recombinant Mouse LIF Protein

PKSM041100-100ug 100ug
EUR 739
Description: Mouse

Recombinant Mouse LIF Protein

PKSM041100-20ug 20ug
EUR 249
Description: Mouse

Recombinant Mouse LIF Protein

R01400-1 100ug/vial
EUR 240

Rat Monoclonal anti-mouse LIF

mAP-0122 100ug
EUR 250

Sheep Polyclonal anti-mouse LIF

mAP-5260 50ug
EUR 400

LIF Protein, Mouse, Recombinant

E45M52739M0-20-ug 20 ug
EUR 291.15

Anti-LIF Antibody, Mouse Monoclonal

MBS8107490-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 300

Anti-LIF Antibody, Mouse Monoclonal

MBS8107490-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 1200

anti- LIF antibody

FNab09804 100µg
EUR 658.5
Description: Antibody raised against LIF

anti- LIF antibody

LSMab09804 100 ug
EUR 463.2

Mouse LIF PicoKine ELISA Kit

MBS178717-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 2755

Mouse LIF PicoKine ELISA Kit

MBS178717-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 600

Recombinant Mouse LIF, Tag Free

PM2019-.01 10ug
EUR 208
Description: Peptides & Proteins|Recombinant Proteins

Recombinant Mouse LIF, Tag Free

PM2019-.1 10X10ug
EUR 784
Description: Peptides & Proteins|Recombinant Proteins

LIF mouse monoclonal antibody, clone 4F7.2

MO16101-100 100 µg Ask for price

LIF mouse monoclonal antibody, clone 2H2.2

MO16102-100 100 µg Ask for price

Lif ORF Vector (Mouse) (pORF)

ORF049145 1.0 ug DNA
EUR 607.2

Lif ORF Vector (Mouse) (pORF)

ORF049146 1.0 ug DNA
EUR 607.2

LIF, Mouse Recombinant , 1MIU/ml

L4500-001 1ml
EUR 235

LIF, Mouse Recombinant , 1MIU/ml

L4500-005 5x1ml
EUR 890

LIF ELISA Kit (Mouse) (OKBB00760)

OKBB00760 96 Wells
EUR 606
Description: Description of target: Leukemia inhibitory factor, or LIF, is an interleukin 6 class cytokine that affects cell growth by inhibiting differentiation. When LIF levels drop, the cells differentiate. The LIF was mapped gene to 22q11-q12.2 by Southern analysis of a series of mouse/human somatic cell hybrids and by in situ hybridization to the chromosomes of 2 normal males and some individuals with chromosomal rearrangements. The gene maps between the Philadelphia translocation BCR1 and the breakpoint of the translocation in cell line GM2324 at 22q12.2. LIF derives its name from its ability to induce the terminal differentiation of myeloid leukemic cells, thus preventing their continued growth. Other properties attributed to the cytokine include: the growth promotion and cell differentiation of different types of target cells, influence on bone metabolism, cachexia, neural development, embryogenesis and inflammation.;Species reactivity: Mouse;Application: ELISA;Assay info: ;Sensitivity: <10pg/ml

LIF ELISA Kit (Mouse) (OKEH04045)

OKEH04045 96 Wells
EUR 652.8
Description: Description of target: LIF has the capacity to induce terminal differentiation in leukemic cells. Its activities include the induction of hematopoietic differentiation in normal and myeloid leukemia cells, the induction of neuronal cell differentiation, and the stimulation of acute-phase protein synthesis in hepatocytes.;Species reactivity: Mouse;Application: ;Assay info: Assay Methodology: Quantitative Sandwich ELISA;Sensitivity: 0.039 ng/mL

LIF, Mouse Recombinant , 10MIU/ml

L4501-001 1ml
EUR 1100

LIFR, Recombinant, Mouse (Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Receptor, LIF Receptor, LIF-R, D-factor/LIF Receptor, CD118)

MBS636029-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 800

LIFR, Recombinant, Mouse (Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Receptor, LIF Receptor, LIF-R, D-factor/LIF Receptor, CD118)

MBS636029-5x005mg 5x0.05mg
EUR 3455

Purified recombinant Mouse LIF protein

MBS5308803-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 550

Purified recombinant Mouse LIF protein

MBS5308803-5x001mg 5x0.01mg
EUR 2435

Mouse LIF HEK293 Overexpression Lysate

MBS8119752-03mg 0.3mg
EUR 280

Mouse LIF HEK293 Overexpression Lysate

MBS8119752-5x03mg 5x0.3mg
EUR 1205

Mouse LIF HEK293 Overexpression Lysate

MBS8119753-03mg 0.3mg
EUR 280

Mouse LIF HEK293 Overexpression Lysate

MBS8119753-5x03mg 5x0.3mg
EUR 1205

Mouse LIF Recombinant Protein Lyophilized

EUR 317
Description: Mouse LIF Recombinant Protein Lyophilized

Mouse LIF Recombinant Protein Lyophilized

MBS8434242-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Nori® Mouse LIF ELISA Kit

GR117058 96-well
EUR 461

Human CellExp? LIF, mouse recombinant

7268-10 each
EUR 444

Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF), Mouse

MBS555550-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 500

Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF), Mouse

MBS555550-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 670

Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF), Mouse

MBS555550-5x001mg 5x0.01mg
EUR 2855

Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF), mouse

PR16102 5 ug
EUR 310.5

Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF), mouse

PR16102-B each
EUR 436.5

Mouse LIF protein, C-His tag

MBS9719051-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 115

Mouse LIF protein, C-His tag

MBS9719051-002mg 0.02mg
EUR 165

Mouse LIF protein, C-His tag

MBS9719051-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 295

Mouse LIF protein, C-His tag

MBS9719051-1mg 1mg
EUR 1680

Ontwikkeling van hoge resolutie DNA Melting Analyse voor gelijktijdige detectie van Potato Mop-Prime  Virus  en Zijn  Vector , Spongospora subterranea, in de bodem 

In deze studie werd een reeks duplex reverse transcriptie (RT)-PCR-gemedieerde hoge resolutie DNA-smelt (HRM)-analyses voor gelijktijdige detectie van aardappelmop-virus (PMTV) en zijn protistische vector, Spongospora subterranea f.sp. subterranea (Sss), ontwikkeld.

De aantasting van grond door PMTV werd gedetecteerd met behulp van een op tabak gebaseerd lokaassysteem . Totaal RNA geëxtraheerd uit de bodem leidde tot succesvolle RT-PCR-gelelektroforese-detectie van zowel PMTV als Sss. Om efficiëntere detectie te vergemakkelijken, werden nieuw ontworpen primerparen voor PMTV RNA-soorten (dwz RNA-Rep, -CP en -TGB) samen met de bestaande Sss-primers geanalyseerd met behulp van real-time RT-PCR.

De resulterende amplicons vertoonden smeltprofielen die gemakkelijk konden worden onderscheiden. Onder duplex RT-PCR-formaat leidden alle PMTV- en Sss-primercombinaties tot succesvolle detectie van respectieve PMTV-RNA-soorten en Sss in de monsters door DNA- smeltanalyses met hoge resolutie (HRM) . Toen de duplex HRM-assay werd toegepast op bodemmonsters die waren verzameld van zes velden op vier verschillende locaties in New Brunswick, Canada, werd een positieve detectie van PMTV en/of Sss gevonden in 63-100% monsters verzameld uit velden waarin met PMTV geïnfecteerde knollen waren waargenomen.

De monsters van velden waar noch PMTV- noch Sss-geïnfecteerde knollen waren waargenomen, resulteerden daarentegen in een negatieve detectie door de check. Aastabak bioassay voor PMTV en Sss leverde vergelijkbare resultaten op. Tussen 63% -83% en 100% van de grondmonsters die werden verzameld op PMTV-besmette velden leidden tot respectievelijk PMTV- en Sss-infecties in de lokaasplanten; terwijl er geen PMTV- of Sss-geïnfecteerde planten werden verkregen uit grondmonsters die waren verzameld op PMTV/Sss-vrije velden.

Versnelling van de morfogenetische cyclus van de  virale  vector  Aedes aegypti  larven voor snellere larvicide bioassays


Elke bioassay om nieuwe chemisch gesynthetiseerde larviciden of fytolarviciden te testen tegen Culicidae  en meer schadelijke muggensoorten, zoals  Aede s  aegypti  en  Aedes albopictus , die specifiek knokkelkoorts, gele koorts, chikungunya- viruskoorts  overbrengen, evenals het Zika-virus of  Anopheles gambiae , een vector voor malaria en philariasis, vereist duizenden goed ontwikkelde larven, bij voorkeur in het vierde stadium. De natuurlijke morfogenetische cyclus van  Aedes  spp., in het veld of in het laboratorium, kan bij kamertemperatuur (bijv. 25°C) tot 19 dagen duren vanaf het eerste permanente contact tussen levensvatbare eieren en wateren het laatste stadium van larvale groei of metamorfose tot vliegende volwassenen. Een versnelde sequentiële vervelling is dus wenselijk voor snellere bioassays van larviciden.

We hebben dit doel bereikt in  Aedes aegypti  met zeer beperkte strategische en goedkope toevoegingen aan voedsel, zoals kokoswater, melk of caseïne, gistextract en in mindere mate glycerol. Het van nature rijke kokoswater was uitstekend geschikt om snel de populatie van instar IV-larven te bereiken , de meest geavanceerde vóór de verpopping, wat ongeveer een week bespaart voor daaropvolgende larvicide bioassays. Verdunde melk, als een andere voedselbron, zorgde voor een nog snellere uiteindelijke vervelling en volwassenen zijn nuttig voor taxonomische doeleinden van muggen.


E34M066M 5 μg
EUR 155

LIF, mouse

MO16102 100 ug
EUR 494.1

LIF, Mouse

MBS8575391-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 245

LIF, Mouse

MBS8575391-5x0005mg 5x0.005mg
EUR 940

Mouse Anti-Human LIF Monoclonal Antibody

MBS592457-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 365

Mouse Anti-Human LIF Monoclonal Antibody

MBS592457-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 530

Mouse Anti-Human LIF Monoclonal Antibody

MBS592457-5x05mg 5x0.5mg
EUR 2140

Mouse Anti-Human LIF Monoclonal Antibody

MBS592458-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 365

Mouse Anti-Human LIF Monoclonal Antibody

MBS592458-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 530

Mouse Anti-Human LIF Monoclonal Antibody

MBS592458-5x05mg 5x0.5mg
EUR 2140

Mouse Anti-Human LIF Monoclonal Antibody

MBS592459-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 365

Mouse Anti-Human LIF Monoclonal Antibody

MBS592459-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 530

Mouse Anti-Human LIF Monoclonal Antibody

MBS592459-5x05mg 5x0.5mg
EUR 2140

Mouse LIF siRNA

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 15 nmol
  • 30 nmol

Mouse LIF Protein

E2PD201245 20ug
EUR 595

Mouse LIF Protein

E40MOP1672 20ug
EUR 495

Mouse LIF Protein

E40MOP2026 20ug
EUR 495

Mouse LIF Protein

E40MOP2028 20ug
EUR 495

LIF, Mouse, Monoclonal Antibody, Mouse

MBS555093-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 745

LIF, Mouse, Monoclonal Antibody, Mouse

MBS555093-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 3210

LIF siRNA (Mouse)

MBS8224619-15nmol 15nmol
EUR 405

LIF siRNA (Mouse)

MBS8224619-30nmol 30nmol
EUR 565

LIF siRNA (Mouse)

MBS8224619-5x30nmol 5x30nmol
EUR 2450

Recombinant Mouse LIF

MBS4159936-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 230

Recombinant Mouse LIF

MBS4159936-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 560

Recombinant Mouse LIF

MBS4159936-1mg 1mg
EUR 1500

Recombinant Mouse LIF

MBS4159936-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 6500

Recombinant Mouse LIF

MBS7609292-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 405

Recombinant Mouse LIF

MBS7609292-02mg 0.2mg
EUR 760

Recombinant Mouse LIF

MBS7609292-1mg 1mg
EUR 2175

Recombinant Mouse LIF

MBS7609292-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 8410

Recombinant Mouse LIF

P1174-.005 5ug
EUR 108.8
Description: Peptides & Proteins|Recombinant Proteins

Recombinant Mouse LIF

P1174-.1 100ug
EUR 840.8
Description: Peptides & Proteins|Recombinant Proteins

Recombinant Mouse LIF

P1174-.5 500ug
EUR 1885.6
Description: Peptides & Proteins|Recombinant Proteins

Recombinant Mouse LIF

Z200195 10 µg
EUR 85
Description: LIF is a multifunctional secreted glycoprotein that exists in both soluble and matrix-bound forms. It displays biologic activities ranging from the differentiation of myeloid leukemic cells into macrophage lineage to effects on bone metabolism, inflammation, neural development, embryogenesis, and the maintenance of implantation. It is now clear that LIF is related in both structure and mechanism of action to the interleukin IL-6 family of cytokines, which also includes IL-11, ciliary neurotrophic factor, oncostatin M, and cardiotrophin 1. The actions of these cytokines are mediated through specific cell-surface receptors that consist of a unique chain and the shared signal transducing subunit gp130.

Recombinant Mouse LIF

Z200197 100 µg
EUR 385
Description: LIF is a multifunctional secreted glycoprotein that exists in both soluble and matrix-bound forms. It displays biologic activities ranging from the differentiation of myeloid leukemic cells into macrophage lineage to effects on bone metabolism, inflammation, neural development, embryogenesis, and the maintenance of implantation. It is now clear that LIF is related in both structure and mechanism of action to the interleukin IL-6 family of cytokines, which also includes IL-11, ciliary neurotrophic factor, oncostatin M, and cardiotrophin 1. The actions of these cytokines are mediated through specific cell-surface receptors that consist of a unique chain and the shared signal transducing subunit gp130.

Recombinant Mouse LIF

Z200199 1.0 mg
EUR 1200
Description: LIF is a multifunctional secreted glycoprotein that exists in both soluble and matrix-bound forms. It displays biologic activities ranging from the differentiation of myeloid leukemic cells into macrophage lineage to effects on bone metabolism, inflammation, neural development, embryogenesis, and the maintenance of implantation (2). It is now clear that LIF is related in both structure and mechanism of action to the interleukin IL-6 family of cytokines, which also includes IL-11, ciliary neurotrophic factor, oncostatin M, and cardiotrophin 1 (2). The actions of these cytokines are mediated through specific cell-surface receptors that consist of a unique chain and the shared signal transducing subunit gp130.

Recombinant Mouse LIF

Z200485 100 µg
EUR 1500
Description: LIF is a multifunctional secreted glycoprotein that exists in both soluble and matrix-bound forms. It displays biologic activities ranging from the differentiation of myeloid leukemic cells into macrophage lineage to effects on bone metabolism, inflammation, neural development, embryogenesis, and the maintenance of implantation (2). It is now clear that LIF is related in both structure and mechanism of action to the interleukin IL-6 family of cytokines, which also includes IL-11, ciliary neurotrophic factor, oncostatin M, and cardiotrophin 1 (2). The actions of these cytokines are mediated through specific cell-surface receptors that consist of a unique chain and the shared signal transducing subunit gp130.

Anti-Mouse LIF Antibody

103-M263 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: Based on its helical structure, LIF (Leukemia Inhibitory Factor) is considered a member of the Interleukin-6 family of cytokines. Functionally, it has been implicated in a many physiological processes including development, hematopoiesis, bone metabolism, and inflammation. Some cell types known to express LIF include activated T cells, monocytes, astrocytes, osteoblasts, keratinocytes, regenerating skeletal muscle, mast cells, and fibroblasts.

Anti-Mouse LIF Antibody

103-PA05S 100 µg
EUR 126
Description: Leukemia Inhibitory Factor also called LIF is a lymphoid factor that promotes long-term maintenance of embryonic stem cells by suppressing spontaneous differentiation. Leukemia Inhibitory Factor has several functions such as cholinergic neuron differentiation, control of stem cell pluripotency, bone & fat metabolism, mitogenesis of factor dependent cell lines & promotion of megakaryocyte production in vivo. Human and mouse LIF exhibit a 78% identity in its amino acid sequence. Human LIF is as active on human cells as is it is on mouse cells, though mouse LIF is about 1000 fold less active on human cells, than human LIF.

Rabbit Anti-Mouse LIF

103-PA05 100ug
EUR 240

LIF (mouse), (recombinant)

MBS566073-1mL 1mL
EUR 1470

LIF (mouse), (recombinant)

MBS566073-5x1mL 5x1mL
EUR 6555

Anti-LIF Mouse mAb

GB121477 100 μL
EUR 100


E28L0650 96T
EUR 666.67


EK5250 96 tests
EUR 599


EML0014 96Tests
EUR 625.2

Mouse LIF shRNA Plasmid

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 150 µg
  • 300 µg

Lif (NM_008501) Mouse Recombinant Protein

E45M42302E0 20 ug
EUR 1088.75

Lif (NM_008501) Mouse Recombinant Protein

E45M43185M5 20 ug
EUR 1924.54

LIF, Human, Monoclonal Antibody, Mouse

MBS555094-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 745

LIF, Human, Monoclonal Antibody, Mouse

MBS555094-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 3210

Recombinant Mouse LIF protein

CD00323-5ug 5ug
EUR 176
Description: Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) is a member of Interleukin 6 family. This protein is mainly expressed in the trophectoderm of the developing embryo, with its receptor LIFR expressed throughout the inner cell mass. LIF has the capacity to induce terminal differentiation in leukemic cells. Its activities include the induction of hematopoietic differentiation in normal and myeloid leukemia cells, the induction of neuronal cell differentiation, and the stimulation of acute-phase protein synthesis in hepatocytes. LIF is used in mouse embryonic stem cell culture, because that removal of LIF pushes stem cells toward differentiation, but they retain their proliferative potential or pluripotency. It is also used in phase II clinical trial, which can assist embryo implantation in women who have failed to become pregnant despite assisted reproductive technologies (ART). Mature mouse LIF shares 78 % a.a. sequence identity with Human LIF.

Mouse LIF Recombinant Protein

M30-007 10 µg
EUR 99.75
Description: Leukemia Inhibitory Factor also called LIF is a lymphoid factor that promotes long-term maintenance of embryonic stem cells by suppressing spontaneous differentiation. Leukemia Inhibitory Factor has several functions such as cholinergic neuron differentiation, control of stem cell pluripotency, bone & fat metabolism, mitogenesis of factor dependent cell lines & promotion of megakaryocyte production in vivo. Human and mouse LIF exhibit a 78% identity in its amino acid sequence. Human LIF is as active on human cells as is it is on mouse cells, though mouse LIF is about 1000 fold less active on human cells, than human LIF. Recombinant mouse LIF produced in E. coli is a single, non-glycosylated, polypeptide chain containing 180 amino acids and having a molecular mass of 19.86 kDa.

Mouse LIF Recombinant Protein

M30-008 50 µg
EUR 246.75
Description: Leukemia Inhibitory Factor also called LIF is a lymphoid factor that promotes long-term maintenance of embryonic stem cells by suppressing spontaneous differentiation. Leukemia Inhibitory Factor has several functions such as cholinergic neuron differentiation, control of stem cell pluripotency, bone & fat metabolism, mitogenesis of factor dependent cell lines & promotion of megakaryocyte production in vivo. Human and mouse LIF exhibit a 78% identity in its amino acid sequence. Human LIF is as active on human cells as is it is on mouse cells, though mouse LIF is about 1000 fold less active on human cells, than human LIF. Recombinant mouse LIF produced in E. coli is a single, non-glycosylated, polypeptide chain containing 180 amino acids and having a molecular mass of 19.86 kDa.

Recombinant Mouse LIF protein

IMP-1308 10µg
EUR 360
Description: Recombinant Proteins

Recombinant Mouse LIF Protein

MBS1751002-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 315

Recombinant Mouse LIF Protein

MBS1751002-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1270

Recombinant Mouse LIF Protein

MBS8249390-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 230

Recombinant Mouse LIF Protein

MBS8249390-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 480

Recombinant Mouse LIF Protein

MBS8249390-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 2825

Recombinant Mouse LIF Protein

MBS8249390-5x05mg 5x0.5mg
EUR 12640

Recombinant Mouse LIF Protein

PKSM041100-100ug 100ug
EUR 739
Description: Mouse

Recombinant Mouse LIF Protein

PKSM041100-20ug 20ug
EUR 249
Description: Mouse

Recombinant Mouse LIF Protein

R01400-1 100ug/vial
EUR 240

Rat Monoclonal anti-mouse LIF

mAP-0122 100ug
EUR 250

Sheep Polyclonal anti-mouse LIF

mAP-5260 50ug
EUR 400

LIF Protein, Mouse, Recombinant

E45M52739M0-20-ug 20 ug
EUR 291.15

Anti-LIF Antibody, Mouse Monoclonal

MBS8107490-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 300

Anti-LIF Antibody, Mouse Monoclonal

MBS8107490-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 1200

anti- LIF antibody

FNab09804 100µg
EUR 658.5
Description: Antibody raised against LIF

anti- LIF antibody

LSMab09804 100 ug
EUR 463.2

Mouse LIF PicoKine ELISA Kit

MBS178717-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 2755

Mouse LIF PicoKine ELISA Kit

MBS178717-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 600

Recombinant Mouse LIF, Tag Free

PM2019-.01 10ug
EUR 208
Description: Peptides & Proteins|Recombinant Proteins

Recombinant Mouse LIF, Tag Free

PM2019-.1 10X10ug
EUR 784
Description: Peptides & Proteins|Recombinant Proteins

LIF mouse monoclonal antibody, clone 4F7.2

MO16101-100 100 µg Ask for price

LIF mouse monoclonal antibody, clone 2H2.2

MO16102-100 100 µg Ask for price

Lif ORF Vector (Mouse) (pORF)

ORF049145 1.0 ug DNA
EUR 607.2

Lif ORF Vector (Mouse) (pORF)

ORF049146 1.0 ug DNA
EUR 607.2

LIF, Mouse Recombinant , 1MIU/ml

L4500-001 1ml
EUR 235

LIF, Mouse Recombinant , 1MIU/ml

L4500-005 5x1ml
EUR 890

LIF ELISA Kit (Mouse) (OKBB00760)

OKBB00760 96 Wells
EUR 606
Description: Description of target: Leukemia inhibitory factor, or LIF, is an interleukin 6 class cytokine that affects cell growth by inhibiting differentiation. When LIF levels drop, the cells differentiate. The LIF was mapped gene to 22q11-q12.2 by Southern analysis of a series of mouse/human somatic cell hybrids and by in situ hybridization to the chromosomes of 2 normal males and some individuals with chromosomal rearrangements. The gene maps between the Philadelphia translocation BCR1 and the breakpoint of the translocation in cell line GM2324 at 22q12.2. LIF derives its name from its ability to induce the terminal differentiation of myeloid leukemic cells, thus preventing their continued growth. Other properties attributed to the cytokine include: the growth promotion and cell differentiation of different types of target cells, influence on bone metabolism, cachexia, neural development, embryogenesis and inflammation.;Species reactivity: Mouse;Application: ELISA;Assay info: ;Sensitivity: <10pg/ml

LIF ELISA Kit (Mouse) (OKEH04045)

OKEH04045 96 Wells
EUR 652.8
Description: Description of target: LIF has the capacity to induce terminal differentiation in leukemic cells. Its activities include the induction of hematopoietic differentiation in normal and myeloid leukemia cells, the induction of neuronal cell differentiation, and the stimulation of acute-phase protein synthesis in hepatocytes.;Species reactivity: Mouse;Application: ;Assay info: Assay Methodology: Quantitative Sandwich ELISA;Sensitivity: 0.039 ng/mL

LIF, Mouse Recombinant , 10MIU/ml

L4501-001 1ml
EUR 1100

LIFR, Recombinant, Mouse (Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Receptor, LIF Receptor, LIF-R, D-factor/LIF Receptor, CD118)

MBS636029-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 800

LIFR, Recombinant, Mouse (Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Receptor, LIF Receptor, LIF-R, D-factor/LIF Receptor, CD118)

MBS636029-5x005mg 5x0.05mg
EUR 3455

Purified recombinant Mouse LIF protein

MBS5308803-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 550

Purified recombinant Mouse LIF protein

MBS5308803-5x001mg 5x0.01mg
EUR 2435

Mouse LIF HEK293 Overexpression Lysate

MBS8119752-03mg 0.3mg
EUR 280

Mouse LIF HEK293 Overexpression Lysate

MBS8119752-5x03mg 5x0.3mg
EUR 1205

Mouse LIF HEK293 Overexpression Lysate

MBS8119753-03mg 0.3mg
EUR 280

Mouse LIF HEK293 Overexpression Lysate

MBS8119753-5x03mg 5x0.3mg
EUR 1205

Mouse LIF Recombinant Protein Lyophilized

EUR 317
Description: Mouse LIF Recombinant Protein Lyophilized

Mouse LIF Recombinant Protein Lyophilized

MBS8434242-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Nori® Mouse LIF ELISA Kit

GR117058 96-well
EUR 461

Human CellExp? LIF, mouse recombinant

7268-10 each
EUR 444

Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF), Mouse

MBS555550-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 500

Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF), Mouse

MBS555550-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 670

Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF), Mouse

MBS555550-5x001mg 5x0.01mg
EUR 2855

Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF), mouse

PR16102 5 ug
EUR 310.5

Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF), mouse

PR16102-B each
EUR 436.5

Mouse LIF protein, C-His tag

MBS9719051-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 115

Mouse LIF protein, C-His tag

MBS9719051-002mg 0.02mg
EUR 165

Mouse LIF protein, C-His tag

MBS9719051-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 295

Mouse LIF protein, C-His tag

MBS9719051-1mg 1mg
EUR 1680


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